
to Care Confidence

Here are some common concerns people have about paying for care

Our biggest fear was that we wouldn’t be able to afford to keep him at the care home if his money ran out.

Obviously that’s our inheritance, which sounds really selfish, but mum and dad would be horrified if we spent that money on care.

We still worried like mad about what would happen if we had to sell the bungalow.

Do these look familiar? If so, Care Confidence can help you.

What is a self-funder?

A self-funder is someone who pays for all of their social care from their own money without a financial contribution from their local council. This is because their savings are higher than the eligible amount of £23,250.

Who is entitled to a free assessment of their care needs from their local council?

If you pay for your care yourself, a needs assessment is a very useful way to get specialist advice about what could work for you now and in the future. Anyone who thinks they need care and support is entitled to a free assessment of their care needs from their local council. But it is not compulsory and there may be a waiting list.
Care and Support
In this 7-minute film, Heather talks about how she arranged and paid for care for her husband Harold
Duration: 6 minute 57 second video

As you work through Care Confidence, think about what suits you now, but also what might work best over the coming months and years in case your circumstances change. Whatever your circumstances, it is never too early to get legal advice about Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA). This means you can appoint people you trust to make decisions on your behalf if needed.

We’ve designed Care Confidence to help you think through different care options and their possible costs before moving on to thinking about how to pay for care.

Where do you want to go next?

Making life easier at home
Information and an idea of costs for gadgets and equipment, home adaptations, help at home and live-in care.
Moving to a different home
Information and an idea of costs for downsizing, living with family, or moving to age-exclusive housing and sheltered accommodation.
Moving to a care home
Information and an idea of costs for residential and nursing care homes.
Thinking about the money
Common worries and what types of information and advice could help.
Managing money whilst paying care home fees
What happens if the money is running low?
About Care Confidence
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